What does it mean?
How well do you know your driver? We’re going to breakdown the tech inside the head to give you an idea of what helps you to pull off those incredible drives…
How many times have you heard that the secret to pulling off the best drive possible is to hit the ball as hard as possible with as much force as you can?
We all have a golfing buddy that prides themselves on hitting the ball really far, but the funny thing about golf, whether you’re just starting out or all the way even up to professional level, is that we’re all different and our golf swings are completely unique.
We all like to hear a satisfying smack when we hit the ball on the driving range, but how much of that is down to speed? Considering that all our swings are unique, it’s mostly all down to us and our ability.
Think back to when you very first held a golf club, it was a miracle if you managed to hit the ball 50 yards in the air! You’ve played a lot of golf since then and your performance has increased over time. Now the idea of being challenged to hit a drive just 50 yards is laughable.
However, another big factor that will determine the results of your shots is the quality of your gear, and the latest G430 drivers from PING are packed with tech to help you succeed. Please read on as we break down the myth that hitting the ball harder will always give you more distance.
While your natural strength is a big part of getting the ball off the ground and into the air, it’s important that you make a clean impact to give the ball the impressive flight you’re after. Modern driver faces are designed to transfer as much energy from the club into the ball as possible to keep the momentum going to gain maximum distance.
The PING G430 drivers are incredibly aerodynamic, and a big part of what makes them so effortless to strike with is the way the weight has been distributed. The driver has a moveable tungsten backweight that repositions the centre of gravity to offer you a draw, neutral, or fade bias - whichever way you want to move the ball, it's possible with this wonderful driver.
Naturally, the closer your strike is to the centre of the clubface, the better your shot will be. However, a huge benefit to these modern driver faces is that they’re incredibly forgiving across the entire face. This means if you mishit a shot and don’t hit it perfectly out of the centre of the face, you’ll still hit it closer to your intended target than you would with previous models.
So, whether you approach the ball with a fast or a slow swing, the biggest thing to consider and strive to improve upon is the quality of your contact. While there will always persist to be a myth that hitting it fast = hitting it far, you need to hit the ball cleanly to get the best result.
You may not even be aware, but brands including PING make specific driver models to accommodate different players, and you’ll definitely fit into needing one of these models in regards to swing speed.
The four driver models in the G430 range are the G430 SFT, the G430 LST, the G430 Max, and the G430 High Launch.
The G430 SFT is super aerodynamic and the ‘Straight Flight Technology’ will help you hit just the shot you want off the tee. The moveable tungsten weight makes this club incredibly customisable and ideal for most golfers.
The G430 LST driver is the one to go for if you’re looking for if you have a fast golf swing. The ‘Low Spin Technology’ model has PING’s lightweight Carbonfly Wrap that covers the crown and wraps into the heel, which makes the club really easy to swing and gives you faster ball speeds on your drives.
The G430 Max driver is aimed at golfers that want to increase their striking consistency and hit great shots more regularly. The Internal rib structure means the club makes a desirable sound when you strike the ball correctly, and the head has been engineered to ensure you reach extra distances.
If you have a slower swing speed, the G430 High Launch will help you make amazing drives. It has the same tech as the rest of the G430 range but is made with lighter material so it’ll feel very natural to swing with.
When you get custom fit for a driver, we’ll walk you through how important it is that you’re playing with the right gear for your game.
It’s also important to keep in mind that there are a variety of shaft options available to you when deciding on a new club. Shafts have different levels of flexibility so you’ll need to consider the flex that’s most appropriate for you. Essentially, the faster you swing the club, the stiffer your shaft should be.
So, to answer the question, swing speed may have a bearing on how much distance you get, but hitting it far is determined more by how clean your strike is. It’s definitely a good idea to consider how fast your swing speed is the next time you head out to practice. We’re always on-hand to offer you a custom-fitting so you can better get to know your gear and your game.